What a Wonderful Life

What a Wonderful Life

Friday, September 9, 2011

Alexis' Birth Story

In honor of Birth Week I decided to write My Girls both stories first up Alexis who is now 71/2 years old !! I cant believe it seems like only yesterday I was a scared 17 year old who had to tell my mom I was pregnant. It was hard for me i felt like i was going to disappoint her. But my mom was (is still) awesome and supported my decision to carry this baby and keep and raise her myself. With out my mom Alexis and I wouldn't be where we are today. I wouldn't recommend having a child that early in life , it made of a lot things more difficult especially when her father and I decided not to stay together but i would trade her for the world <3

At first I didn't want to believe what was happening but after everyone knew I was ready to start this process. I got a great referral for a OB/GYN who had a mid wife on staff (the same midwife who at the beginning of her career delivered my youngest brother). She was awesome i loved her. I watch a million Baby Stories on TLC . I knew i didn't want the whole neighborhood in the delivery room just my mom and alexis' dad. i know i wanted and epidural and i knew i wanted to breastfeed and i had a great birth plan. My pregnancy started off rough lots of morning sickness but was over all very easy. However on Feb 23 i went for  my weekly visit and stress test and review of my ultra sound . Alexis' fluid was low and she did not pass the stress test. I trusted my midwife and she said an induction was necessary and they had an opening the night! ahhhh was I really going to be a mom in the next day or two?? I got to go home eat dinner pack my bag tell everybody and head off to the Hospital .

I was given cervidel to ripen and soften my cervix. they gave me some adavan (in hind sight i should not have taken it) to relax so I could sleep and they would start pitocin in the am. everyone said goodnight and my mom left to go home and would be back in the am I asked her not to leave and an hour later my contractions started . apparently i fall into a small % of women who cervidil starts labor without the aid of pictocin. My contracts came on HARD and FAST . I begged for the epidural !! the wicked nurse (as i call her ) told me to go in and take a warm shower cause it would help , which is true, but she wouldn't let anyone come in with me "because I was naked". Hellllooo lady they are gonna see it all in a few hours. I remember sitting in that shower stall 18 years old scared and along going through these Horrible pains.

So I came back out to get into bed. My mom and Alexis' dad rubbed my back , i paced the room, anything really that would give me some relive. I threw up (the adavan) and  then finally the sleepy doctor came in and put in the epidural, finally some relief. My entire labor was very burly and haze due to the medications they gave not exactly how my birth plan was written out.

Finally it came time to push . i don't really remember it at all ! At some point my mom told me my blood pressure and baby's pretty much disappeared but my mid wife got it back up. My mom also says that it was raining and cloudy and right as Alexis was born the sun came out. i remember her saying it was like a flower blooming. It didn't hurt just lots of pressure. she was born into a very quite and loving enviorment.

 After less than 12 hours start to finish my beautiful baby girl was born and put up in my chest to breast feed <3 my birth didn't go exactly as planned but it was overall a great learning experience, and very successful. Alexis and I went home the next day and carried out a very successful breast feeding relationship. She is now a happy and healthy 7 year old who enjoys playing outside singing and doing art projects.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

 We marble painted out Giant Very Hungry Caterpillar and he looks awesome !

First off you need a box i used a box that has a lid since we did this inside and then all the kids could dance wiggle and shake with the box .

 So i took box with a lid , and put one caterpillar segment, some pain and a few marbles and let M shake and shimmy with the box !

M shaken the box

this is what they looked like done
Here is a picture of the box i used

and here is all finished up on the wall !
with some beautiful butterflies the child made.