What a Wonderful Life

What a Wonderful Life

Monday, December 24, 2012

How I Spent My 27th Birthday - Randome Acts of Kindesss

Today is my 27th Birthday ! Yep my birthday is on Christmas Eve  , and No it doesn't suck. I LOVE being a Christmas Baby. My mom and family has always gone out of there way to make my birthday feel special and not get swept away with the Holiday Season.  And to show how thankful I am i decided to spend my birthday doing things for others. I was inspired by http://tsjphotography.com/blog/rack-download-edition/ advent calendar . Plus she has really nice Christmas and blank print ables!

The started out great with Breakfast in Bed, from my Hubby and Girls <3

Next it was time to shower and get everyone ready for our day out spreading good cheer !

My first act was to send a mother who I saw posted asking for help on a facebook page I 'like'. They had just moved to a new state and she missed the deadlines for toys for tots and felt bad asking for help at their new church since they had only been there a short time and so many others needed the help. Her neighbor had donated a tree and gift for the little children. She was sad she couldn't afford a gift for her 12 year old daughter. So I mailed off $20 so her daughter could go to a teen consignment in town and pick out a new outfit or two.

Next I sent my Friends daughter $5. She is collecting stuffed animals to send to the Sandy Victims . Shelley is a 9 years old Girl who already loves thinking of ways to help others. Earlier this year she also donated her hair to locks for love.  


Then to the laundry Mat.
Where we left a bag of laundry soap packets with a note that said "take one and leave the rest for the next guest" . Here are my Girls excited to start this adventure.


My Husband who had the privilege of driving us around :)


The after a quick stop at the bank for change we went to the ER waiting room at the Hospital and left change on the vending machines

Next Stop was the .99 cent store to leave a couple bucks for kids in the toy aisle . This was the first time someone noticed us and she chuckled and gave me a smile.

The kids were loud ! So excited for all the nice/ fun things we were doing and the promise of a happy meal at the end of our random acts of kindness.


Who wouldn't be surprised when they pulled up to the car wash and didn't have to pay? I know washing your car usually isnt the happiest moment in life but maybe this will make someone smile :)
  While on our way we almost hit a puppy !!! I jumped out of the car and tried to save it but it ran off the busy street and into a neighborhood where someone else was chasing it. Thank god that little pom didn't get run over !!


For our last act . We bought coffee and gift cards for a nice hot meal.  The Man and women we gave them to were very thankful. I hope they can find a save dry place for the night and have at least one warm meal this Holiday Season.

With all the horrible acts of violence and sadness happening around our country and the world I encourage you to take the time and print out one sheet of the RAOK cards and do 4 kind acts for people in your area or life. If each person on my facebook does 4 acts of kindness that will be over 400 random kind things done !!! There is no need to spend great deals of money or even that much time. Our 10 acts cost less than $50 and not more than 2 hours of our time. Some of our RAOK cost only $1 and there are plenty of free ideas all over the Internet. Like helping someone with their groceries or mowing your neighbors lawn . Remember a little love goes a long way.
 Happy Holidays from our Family to Yours

Thursday, June 21, 2012

This was Madison first week at VBS and her first week at school. the first day was rough, in hind sight it was probably cause she got lost that am and of course had never been there before. She had a brave face on as I left she said good bye and kissed me , but as I watched from the window she wasn’t very happy crying in the arms of one of her teachers. And as I sat in the car I was conflicted if leaving her crying with strangers ( and her cousin ) was best decision for her .

Worrying if I had my instincts all wrong (or now as it referred to attachment parenting) was my daughter was overly attached to me, was she spoiled , and had she been manipulating me the entire time. I reflected on the bed sharing , extended breast feeding, not forcing her to hug or kiss anyone , not spanking , practicing baby led weaning, staying home with her and only entrusting her care to me , my husband , grandmothers and a few close friends /family if needed. Had I totally messed her up by not sticking her on a sched and leaving her in a room to cry alone like all the books suggest?

Then I thought But wait I parented Alexis the same way, I fallowed my instincts with the guidance of my mom of course. Alexis bed shared till 2 years and room shared till she was 4years old! She was always with me , my mom or her amazing car provider until Billy entered our life. Alexis is fine. She’s more than fine , she’s a beautiful and loving child , very interested in theater and performing. She has been sleeping over at grandmas forever and spends entire summers with her grandma in MI. she’s well adjusted and has what I hope is a secure attachment to me, and other family. I was attachment parenting before I even knew it was a thing. I’m not the perfect parent sometimes I’m frustrated or exhausted and I make mistakes, but still was ALL my attachment parenting all wrong ? Did I luck out with Alexis?

When I picked Maddi up that day and as we continued through this week she was sooooo happy and excited to share all she had learned with me. She’s excited about her Preschool starting in the fall. And I realized I wasn’t wrong , I hadn’t done her any great disservice. She is securely attached to me and by me waiting till she was ready to be on her own was the right choice. Her knowing her mommy (or daddy) will always be there has created this amazing little person who is so caring and wild. I parented by my instincts, I listened to them, I respected them.

Attachment parenting doesn’t look the same for everyone, that’s whats so great about it. Its about listening to our children , to our babies . Its about not forcing societal norms on them. Its about letting them be who they are going to be, not trying to fit them in our schedules. Its about creating peace and teaching. Its about unconditional loving. I’m sad that America has made children an inconvenience that needs to be trained. People talking about how children now a days are spoiled brats and its cause their parents don’t hit / spank them enough. A women cant even breast feed at a Zoo with out flak for Pete’s sake. Children and babies are people too . Yes they are small and don’t always make the best choices, they are loud. messy and sometimes their communication skills are a bit hard to decipher , but still they are people. This type of parenting worked for our family. Do you fit your self into group or fallow a type of parenting ?