What a Wonderful Life

What a Wonderful Life

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Trees

Today we made Christmas Trees !!!

They make a wonderful decoration for the holidays .

you will need:
Thin Card board
glitter or glitter glue
mini ornaments
green paint

I cut out trees out of a thin card board , like a cereal box.

I painted them green ahead of time but if you wanted to extend the project the children could paint them in in various ways. ie finger painted marble/golf ball painting ect.

Don't forget to leave the trunk brown!

Next i gave glitter glue to the girls and let them go to town.

After this i helped them glue on mini ornaments, the ones you get from the craft store .

The girls loved it and they look Very cute !

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Bis.

So i have been making these for friends and now have SOLD  a few !!! I am so excited !! Right now i am speaking with a girl who will hopefully make me an awesome product tag that will be able to explain what these are at a glance. And tmrw I am going to Blooms Consignment store to see if they will sell these in their shop!! So wish me luck !!!!  Also check out my FB page Cause I make lots of other cool things like Soft Wipes Cases, Baby Cakes & Hooter Hiders and remember EVERYTHING IS CUSTOM !!


Monday, August 30, 2010

Bad Mom

Ok so i feel like a terrible mom sometimes, as im sure everyone does. But with school starting all these mommies are posting how they cried and feel like they should be there helping or watching and how they keep checking cell phones, or how they made big breakfasts and bought speical clothes... Me on the other hand not so much. I dont belong to the PTA (i barley have time for the "have too" in life) , im not a room parent, i dont make alexis lavish breakfasts before school ( and if i did she wouldnt eat them) and I didnt spend $100's on new school clothes ( however she did get new shoes)
For us the firts day of school went something like this...
*7:00 wake up everyone
* Got dressed
* Ate breakfast (well shes not a morning eater so she more like picked at her cookie bites lol)
* combed hair brushed teeth (got maddi ready)
* snapped a few pictures
*7:30 left for school ( yeah not really sure how that happened either )
So we get to the school, we park, walk around till we find her class. She meets her teacher (which takes 2 min tops), sees brooke is in her class ( very very great thing that was) and then the teacher kicks us out to the playground and off she goes barley a kiss, but maddi wont let her get away that easy "sissy sissy kiss bye bye" shes says. So alexis drags her self back for hugs and kisses . Maddi and i walk back to the car its only 7:45 !! We escape just before all the cars pile into the parking lot. Which is a fantasic feat casue our school parking is less than desierable. But wait there were no tears?  I wasnt crying...  my little girl was in first grade and i felt ?  well i felt ... HAPPY ! Happy she was going to be busy playing with friends and learning new things!! ( and not fallowing me around saying im bored lol) ! So who else out there doesnt get all wrapped up in back to school ? I need somepeople i can realte with LOL

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A whole new chapter

Hello, i am new to blogging and feel like maybe it might be fun ? I will start off with what a whirl wind year this has been, and school is just a few weeks away from starting. I cant believe i will have a 1st grader and a 2 year old !omg! As i look back and reflect on what this year has brought and taken away I think am I in the right place? Have i made all the right decisions ? And best of all how did we get here ? this summer has been VERY rough losing friends, losing jobs, growing apart a little, trying to conquer these mounds of debt! OK well they aren't as bad as some but to me they feel like HUGE Mt. I just cant move no matter how hard I try, trying to stay close with family even though you think they are being DUMB!  I feel am in need of a revolution, no WE are in need of a revolution ! So my plan is ...
#1 Start up my daycare! We need the income
#2 Make new friends. No one can replace our dear friends who moved *good luck to them !! and now i totally have a new place to vacation ;-)* or the ones who have grown apart from us or the ones that are just plain to busy :-) But I think need some new friends. Some one who can drop by for coffee * OK I don't drink coffee but you know what I mean * Some one who my husband likes * which is easier said than done* Some one who will just sit and cry with when things get tough and laugh when things are great. Some one who loves to shop !!! oh and if they had a baby that would be great I sooooo need a baby fix and I want to have no more  LOL . But where do you meet friends ?
#3 Make some fun family Memories and Traditions. The girls are getting older and wont be little for long time to instill life long memories and maybe a few traditions they will pass down to their children <3
oh and last but not least #4 lose 20 lbs !!!!!!

Well these are the things I will be working on how about you ?