What a Wonderful Life

What a Wonderful Life

Monday, August 30, 2010

Bad Mom

Ok so i feel like a terrible mom sometimes, as im sure everyone does. But with school starting all these mommies are posting how they cried and feel like they should be there helping or watching and how they keep checking cell phones, or how they made big breakfasts and bought speical clothes... Me on the other hand not so much. I dont belong to the PTA (i barley have time for the "have too" in life) , im not a room parent, i dont make alexis lavish breakfasts before school ( and if i did she wouldnt eat them) and I didnt spend $100's on new school clothes ( however she did get new shoes)
For us the firts day of school went something like this...
*7:00 wake up everyone
* Got dressed
* Ate breakfast (well shes not a morning eater so she more like picked at her cookie bites lol)
* combed hair brushed teeth (got maddi ready)
* snapped a few pictures
*7:30 left for school ( yeah not really sure how that happened either )
So we get to the school, we park, walk around till we find her class. She meets her teacher (which takes 2 min tops), sees brooke is in her class ( very very great thing that was) and then the teacher kicks us out to the playground and off she goes barley a kiss, but maddi wont let her get away that easy "sissy sissy kiss bye bye" shes says. So alexis drags her self back for hugs and kisses . Maddi and i walk back to the car its only 7:45 !! We escape just before all the cars pile into the parking lot. Which is a fantasic feat casue our school parking is less than desierable. But wait there were no tears?  I wasnt crying...  my little girl was in first grade and i felt ?  well i felt ... HAPPY ! Happy she was going to be busy playing with friends and learning new things!! ( and not fallowing me around saying im bored lol) ! So who else out there doesnt get all wrapped up in back to school ? I need somepeople i can realte with LOL

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